Sascha Foerster

Sascha Foerster


If Mixpost was a webapp it could create a notification on the mobile phone, then the user could use the existing entry in mix post and create the story on the mobile phone with the prepared content.




But it has to be a native iOS or Android App, right?

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Sascha Foerster

Sascha Foerster


True, if I want to post directly from the iOS-Mixpost-App. But notifications for a story as a reminder should work as a web app Hopefully the API that Buffer is using, will soon be available for all of us:

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You may use @ to mention someone.

Sharing to Instagram/Facebook stories

3 total votes
MK Oluwatobi Sascha Foerster
  • Dima Botezatu moved item to board Completed

    10 months ago
  • Sascha Foerster created the item

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