

The ability to tag and mention people in each social channel with showing the available profile when the @ is used.

Dima Botezatu

Dima Botezatu

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5 total votes
Bjorn Engels Sascha Foerster Josef Davies-Coates Jürgen Oluwatobi
Josef Davies-Coates

Josef Davies-Coates

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The address book approach could be a great way to solve this. It's obviously not always an easy one to solve nicely because e.g. even on expensive products like Sprout Social it isn't possible to tag people on LinkedIn, only companies/ pages. Often I want to do both.

1 total vote


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Suprised this doesn't have more votes - this is a major requirement for ourselves working with other businesses, and the ability to schedule posts with a mention/tag in the post is something we rely need to be able to use this in production.

Everything else works great, just this one little bit is stopping us being able to use MixPost.

3 total votes
Taragos Jay Josef Davies-Coates


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In addition to that, it would also be nice to be able to add Collaborators on Instagram. It's something I use this feature pretty much all the time when working with people/companies who have their own Instagram account. (If it isn't already included)

This is basically the only reason as to why I am not using Mixpost Pro yet.

Instagram own scheduling doesn't seem to have it, but their API definitely supports it: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-platform/instagram-graph-api/content-publishing?locale=en_US#collaborator-tags

1 total vote

You may use @ to mention someone.

Tagging and mention in posts

33 total votes
  • Oluwatobi created the item

    1 year ago